Social Responsibility

YorGroup achieving successful works in all sectors which it operates is also aware of execution of the social responsibility projects for society in this parallel. 

Widely-esteemed stance of Serafettin Yoruk who is the founder of Yoryapı as Yorgroup organization has guided the management strategies of YorGroup Companies and led to integrate the subjects of social responsibility to mission, vision, values of organizations and operations.

Yör Group’s social responsibility projects has been grouped under three study areas such as i) Promotion of education, ii) Eco-friendly practices, and iii)Energy savings. Each study area is managed by following the system and process built in accordance with the international norms by its own specialist organization in the light of defined objectives.  

Yor Group, by being sensitive to the needs of society and supporting meaninful projects which it can leave as legacy to the public, adopts embracing initiatives in this aspect as a purpose and aims to be the leader group of the country by adopting following the national and international laws and regulations and environmental standards as principle.